Here is a secret on how we make a dinner & a movie affordable:
First, we use coupons. Last night we went to Chevy's where we could buy one entree and get the second entree for $3.99. We did not order appetizers or fancy margaritas or desserts. We ordered extra-large entrees, ate half, asked for extra tortillas, and brought the rest home for the next day's lunch. However, we do not skimp on tips and we calculate the tip amount without the coupon. Total dinner price, including tips? $28.
Second, we buy our movie tickets at Costco. A regular adult movie ticket is $10; student's $9, and matinee $8. Costco sells 2 movie tickets for $14.99 (or $7.50 per ticket), which is the best deal around because we can see new releases and we aren't limited to matinee times.
Total date price? $42.99. I just love a good bargain, don't you?
how do you buy movie tickets at costco? tell me more!
Costco sells movie tickets for Regal Cinema. They can usually be found at the end of each aisle, along with other gift certificates such as See's, McCormick & Schmicks, etc. Plus, in Oregon, we don't pay any sales tax. You gotta move down here MJ!
Another good thing about this plan is that we both get different foods for leftovers, since I eat her leftovers and she eats mine.
So on Saturday night, I get Combo Fajitas, and on Sunday lunch I get Shrimp Fajitas.
Another way to improve savings is to watch Netflix and eat Top Ramen or Hot Dogs.
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