My first trimester of pregnancy has been good so far. The list of pregnancy symptoms for the first trimester includes: fatigue, frequent urination, nausea, excess saliva, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, bloating, food aversions and cravings, breast changes, visible veins, increase in vaginal discharge, occasional headaches, occasional faintness or dizziness, and weight gain. Really, given this list it's amazing that women are willing to get pregnant at all! But I suppose that a bundle of joy that is half yours is worth the physical ailments (plus the pain during birth).
I first knew I was pregnant when I had an urgent and insatiable craving for lemonade, something I have never cared for before. But on that day, I had to have it. Thereafter, I've been craving things that were sour or tangy, like key lime flavored yogurt, cranberry juice, lemons, yakult, ketchup, sour candy, and my newly discovered favorite treat...pro-biotic tangy frozen yogurt from Pudding on the Rice. No pickles yet.
Luckily, I did not experience any nausea or "morning sickness," but in my first trimester (and yawn...I think now too) I have been more tired than usual. I've been prone to frequent naps as well as going to bed fairly early. Still, it beats getting friendly with the porcelain bowl.
Going to bed at 8pm on a weekend is ridiculous.
AHHH! OMGoodness, Congrats!! How exciting!
Thanks Didi!
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